07: Gamify Life – Eduspeakeasy

Gamification is an exciting means of engaging students in the learning process. But today I’m not here to talk about gamifying the classroom, but rather, gamification as a way of life.

I had a recent project and I looked for ways to challenge myself rather than just meet the basic requirements. I looked for ways to learn more than what was expected. This way, it would be, you know…fun.

It first occurred to me that I could have fun with things on my to-do list (also known as responsibilities) about a year and a half ago. I heard a story by video producer Simeon Quarrie, who shared a story at the FCP X Creative Summit in 2017 of how he tries to keep his career interesting.

Gamification is not new. Jane McGonigal gave a popular TED Talk in 2012 and has published a successful book and app to help people with various life problems. I’m suggesting we can gamify on any level, even the most basic day-to-day life events.

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